Ten Mile Trail Hike

Don't be fooled by this title...we didn't actually hike ten miles.  But we did do six round trip.  This was an incredibly easy hike, but a lot of fun.  Almost the whole clan ventured out for this trek.  We did this earlier in the week so it was a great first hike to help everyone acclimate to the altitude. 

Ten Mile Trail.jpg

I didn't capture a lot of great scenic shots on this hike.  But we did encounter a funny story by this waterfall.  There was a tent setup right in front of the falls.  We figured this was public land and if we wanted to photograph the waterfall, we could.  Well as we got closer, my nephews became very curious about this tent, so they ventured closer to take a look.  The folks inside didn't take too kindly to this and asked us to leave....quit loudly.  Ha!