Quandary Peak - Colorado 14er

For our final hike of the trip (yes I'm posting these out of order), we decided to hike our first Colorado 14er.  Disclaimer....Scott has previously hiked the tallest mountain in Colorado (Mount Elbert), so he had to lower himself to hike this first one with Sarah and I.  ha!

Quandary Peak is rated as difficult, but supposed to be one of the "easier" 14ers.  As they say, no 14er is easy.  Quandary was a little more than 6 miles round trip, but the real trick is that you gain almost 3,000 feet in elevation from the trailhead. 

Quandary Peak 2.jpg

We were on the trail around 5:00 am and started the hike with headlamps.  Scott and I have decided we are pro's at headlamp hiking!  It would have been fun to summit for sunrise, but we got some great views on the way up. 

The mascot of Quandary Peak is evidently the mountain goat.  During the early morning light, one startled us on the trail.  One of these decided I was getting too close to him and started walking back down the trail towards me....I backed off.  :-) 

We reached the summit and had a nice breakfast at the top.  It's very exhilarating to be above 14,000 feet!